Friday, January 28, 2011

The Question

The Question is...... Do you have to finish "first" or in the top few at your earliest attempts to succeed? Look around and you will see the huge number of people who's personality, passion, drive or ego are stopping them from having any chance at all to achieve success.

As you look around, can you spot all of the people who have simply given up on doing anything special with their lives? Living in quiet desperation......

Why? Don't you suppose that, when they were children, they had wonderful dreams of what the future held for them? Have you ever known a child that didn't? Aren't they all going to grow up to be a fireman, a doctor, a leader, a president? Something grand and special to them... perhaps inspired by their parents, a teacher, a movie or television program.

Somewhere around 3% of the population wind up living their personal DREAM...heck, let's be generous and make it 10%. What happened to the rest?

In short, LIFE happened. Perhaps they tried and failed. Maybe even a number of times. Perhaps someone they respected and loved 'rained on thier parade'....minimized thier dream.... told them it wasn't realistic!

So, eventually, most simply QUIT! Give up on thier dream. Walk away to live....yes, quiet lives of desperation. Now only dreaming of their DREAMS, what could have been.

Where are Still dreaming the DREAM? Still fighting? Still working to make it happen?

Don't let anything or anyone get in your way. How many times are you willing to fail before you give it up...for good?

Before you do consider the alternative and continue to fail until you succeed!

"Ninty percent of all those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit." - Paul J. Meyer

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