Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Power of Fear

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really look fear in the face....we must do that which we think that we cannot.
Eleanor Roosevelt

What role has fear played in your life? Have you failed to take action on something that would make a positive change in your life because you were afraid to take action?

Does that fear have you 'stuck' in a place you don't want to be? That truly is the situation for most of us. The sad thing is that fear is uncommonly simple to overcome!

The solution? Action! If you will take those first small steps in the direction of your goal the fear will simply begin to evaporate. One action step leads to the next and you will soon find that the fear is beginning to turn to enthusiasm and doing the thing that you once feared becomes energizing.

Each step leads to a bigger step and it becomes easier and easier to be bold enough to take yet another step in the direction of your dreams.

Live your dreams! Take Eleanor Roosevelt's advice.....do that which you think you cannot.

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